County Wide Youth Thriving Survey

BIPOC youth thriving is at the center of the Bold Vision framework. This was an intentional choice and represents Bold Vision’s primary goal of transforming LA County into a community where BIPOC youth thrive. If Bold Vision is successful, then we will see more BIPOC youth thriving and meeting their fullest potential.  

As Bold Vision was engaging community and youth in the development of the framework, we recognized that there was very little data available to help us understand the degree to which LA’s BIPOC youth were thriving. This lack of data is an issue because in order to improve BIPOC youth thriving we must first understand it. Having data on BIPOC youth thriving can help provide guidance and direction for the overall Bold Vision initiative as it works to achieve its primary goal. Furthermore, if we are able to have BIPOC youth thriving data over time, it can help us track our progress and see if we are being successful.  

Since there was little existing data on BIPOC youth thriving, Bold Vision decided that it has to collect this data itself. Specifically, Bold Vision has proposed, and is hard at work, on the development of a county wide survey of BIPOC youth. Since the October launch event and the release of the final report, Bold Vision has established a Bold Vision Youth Thriving Survey Advisory Group of research and survey experts. The Survey Advisory Group is supported by Catalyst California and is led by our principle investigator partner, Imoyase Community Support Services and its founder and director Dr. Cheryl Grills. The Survey Advisory Group includes: 


  • Dr. David Turner, Assistant Professor of Black Life & Racial Justice, University of California Los Angeles 
  • Dr. Fiorella Carlos Chavez, Assistant Professor in Community Health, Arizona State University 
  • Royce Park, Assistant director of survey planning and operations for the California Health Interview Survey, University of California Los Angeles 
  • Sahar Moheize, Research, Policy, & Innovation Manager, LA County Dept. of Youth Development 
  • Dr. Veronica Terriquez, Associate Professor of Sociology, University of California Los Angeles 
  • Dr. Yan Cui, Supervising Epidemiologist, LA County Dept. of Public Health 


The Survey Advisory Group’s goal is to develop a survey plan that includes recommendations for what questions will be included in the survey and how we will have youth complete the survey. To accomplish this, the Survey Advisory Group has been reviewing previous research on how to measure youth thriving. However, looking at previous research on youth thriving is not enough. It is important to understand how BIPOC youth themselves define youth thriving. As such, the Survey Advisory Group has conducted a number of group interviews with BIPOC youth. In these group interviews youth are able to share what thriving means to them in their own words and to describe a time when they were thriving and what it would look like for them to thrive 10 years from now. This information will help the Survey Advisory Group make recommendations on what questions to include in the survey. We expect the final survey plan to be completed this summer. To receive updates on the Youth Thriving Survey and other Bold Vision activities, please be sure to sign up here